Hello there, I'm Brendan Kennedy.
Throughout my 15+ years in advertising, I’ve worked on everything from national integrated campaigns, to local non-profits and everything in between. But through it all, one thing has remained the same.
My haircut. 
But what I lack in style I make up for in writing, creative directing, strategic thinking, and generally, helping brands become a better version of themselves. Today I work as a Creative Director/Writer, developing thoughtful, creatively challenging brand communications that are effective, insightful, and loved by our clients. 

10 things I believe:
​​​​​​​​​​​Family comes first.
Big ideas don’t need big budgets.
Empathy is the most important quality a leader can have.
My opinion isn’t always right.
A little chaos is good.
The little things matter.
Inertia is death. 
The less B.S. the better.
Egos suck.
Sometimes it’s right the first time.

Ok, a bit more about me: I currently live in Milwaukee, WI. I have two young children, one dog, and one wife. Most of them have tried to kill me at some point. I like good movies and I love bad ones. I have an unhealthy obsession with my lawn and the pictures to prove it. I once met Aaron Rodgers. My house was recently struck by lightning (twice) so be sure to ask about that. 

This is the smartest I've ever looked.

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